Galaxy Graph : Communauté Graphique

Galaxy Graph est une communauté graphique, axée autour du graphisme en général, la photographie et le dessin. Nous vous proposons aussi un apprentissage et surtout une communauté active avec qui discuter de vos travaux et vous améliorer, tout en s'amusant

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1nouveau (Avancé) Empty nouveau (Avancé) Ven 1 Fév - 12:29



Petit Martien
Petit Martien
nouveau (Avancé) 123456
nouveau (Avancé) Saber
nouveau (Avancé) L0K
nouveau (Avancé) Sprites


2nouveau (Avancé) Empty Re: nouveau (Avancé) Sam 2 Fév - 18:53



Game Over.
Tag 1: Nice compo with interesting perspective and effects. The pink soft glows look out of place, though.
Tag 2: Another nice tag with a solid color scheme but a little lack of sharpness.
Tag 3: The one I like the least. Nothing really stunning about the colors or composition. The right side seems too plain, too full, thus breaking the balance of the tag.
Tag 4: Fav'. Compo, effects, colors. Everything works really well!

Novice | Apprenti | Intermédiaire | Moyen | Avancé | Confirmé | Semi-Pro | Pro

You definitely have a great style. I think there's a little lack of diversity in what you've proposed here, and this is mainly why you got penalized.

3nouveau (Avancé) Empty Re: nouveau (Avancé) Sam 2 Fév - 19:02



Level updated.

4nouveau (Avancé) Empty Re: nouveau (Avancé) Sam 2 Fév - 19:10



Tag 1: I really like the colors and the weird flow. There is a great atmosphere too. But like Xevious said, the pink soft glows look out of place.
Tag 2: Sweet, but it misses some punch or an original element to make it really special.
Tag 3: The composition is great, but there is a lack of definition in the elements. You should have work the lights and shadows a lot more.
Tag 4: Really dynamic, great colors. Cool effects too. This is a great tag.

Novice | Apprenti | Intermédiaire | Moyen | Avancé | Confirmé | Semi-Pro | Pro

I also think you have a great style, but your tags are often in a mess, with a lack of a focus point. With a central element to focus on, your creations would have a lot more impact!

Édit: Euh Lukas, wtf? Il y a seulement un jury qui s'est prononcé...

5nouveau (Avancé) Empty Re: nouveau (Avancé) Sam 2 Fév - 22:13



Level en attente :blah:

6nouveau (Avancé) Empty Re: nouveau (Avancé) Dim 3 Fév - 3:17



Hahaha, merci! ;)

7nouveau (Avancé) Empty Re: nouveau (Avancé) Dim 3 Fév - 13:13



Efficacité :3

8nouveau (Avancé) Empty Re: nouveau (Avancé) Dim 3 Fév - 13:45



Tag 1: The composition is good, but the creation itself is dirty and poorly gauged the soft pink, not a fan at all.
Tag 2: Well-chosen color, atmosphere too. The only negative point is the cut.
Tag 3: +1 Xevious
Tag 4:
Nice Skill , compo', colors etc...

Novice | Apprenti | Intermédiaire | Moyen | Avancé | Confirmé | Semi-Pro | Pro

Lack of diversity, but the style is still not bad .

Contenu sponsorisé

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