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1classing vol.1  Empty classing vol.1 Jeu 21 Nov - 0:20

bosski cardi

Petit Martien
Petit Martien
classing vol.1  UBPlanet-1381169437-U6160

classing vol.1  UBPlanet-1329528117-U6160

classing vol.1  UBPlanet-1384987710-U6160

classing vol.1  UBPlanet-1347136142-U6160


classing vol.1  UBPlanet-1381687903-U6160

in eanglish please :3

2classing vol.1  Empty Re: classing vol.1 Ven 22 Nov - 18:37



trying to be cool
trying to be cool
1 : Very nice compo! But mh i don't know how but i definitly think you can improve it
2 : Colors are awesome, but the left sife is a bit dirty and the black texture is strange imo
3 : Effects are cool but i dislike the violet color...
4 : I very like this tag, great job! (just a little sharp but we don't care)
Bonus : forunately it's only the bonus one ahaha

Novice | Apprenti | Intermédiaire | Correct | Bon | Avancé | Doué | Confirmé | Talentueux | Parfait

Great work!

3classing vol.1  Empty Re: classing vol.1 Ven 22 Nov - 18:43



Game Over.
1 : I often negative this kind of tag, to see what the real compo looks like. And tbh, I like the way it looks. Nice colors and nice atmo with that blurry thing at the top. The one I like the less overall, though.
2 : Well, I'm usually not an anime-render hater, but this one bugs me a bit. Too much light / white.
Nice compo, but the contrast looks weird.
3 : Awesome! I love randomness. Everything's not perfect (especially the diamond-shaped pattern) but works well together.
4 : One of my fav too. Nothing to say about it; perfect.
4 : Not fan of this one. Doesn't matter, it's a bonus (too much blur and unworked lightning).

Novice | Apprenti | Intermédiaire | Correct | Bon | Avancé | Doué | Confirmé | Talentueux | Parfait

The two first ones "bring you down".
I like your style though. Keep experimenting, and keep tagging.

4classing vol.1  Empty Re: classing vol.1 Ven 22 Nov - 20:09



1 : This one has a beast atmo and colors but there are some random details that bring it down.
2 : I think the canvas is a little small to appreciate this one. The render seems kinda blury too.
3 : Remove the diamond patern. Nice effects and colors but central focus is kinda meh.
4 : The one I prefer, effects are dope, just need some more contrast.

Bonus : Hopefully it's only a bonus, the hammer is way too blury and the lightning is absent.

Novice | Apprenti | Intermédiaire | Correct | Bon | Avancé | Doué | Confirmé | Talentueux | Parfait

Overall you've a good style just need to focus more on details.

5classing vol.1  Empty Re: classing vol.1 Ven 13 Déc - 21:50



trying to be cool
trying to be cool
Niveau Avancé!

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