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1Lili Empty Lili Sam 17 Mai - 0:26



Petit Martien
Petit Martien
hi guys y hope you like it and give me a comment  :cry: 

Lili OX7fStQ

2Lili Empty Re: Lili Sam 17 Mai - 9:27



You need to rework the dress the effect don't fit with the clean look of the rest imo.
The face seems a bit over-lighted or maybe that's because there's no shadows and the face seems flat and nose-less.
You should add a gradient on the bow tie to respect the shirt style.
Also with a dark atmosphere like this I think she must look kinda scared and no so neutral like right now.

3Lili Empty Re: Lili Sam 17 Mai - 22:12



Petit Martien
Petit Martien
La cara la noto demasiado clara y el menton se confunde c** el cuello, creo que un bg mas claro le vendría mejor. De todas formas se ve bastante bien nostra  :love:

Hahahahaha me censura c-on

4Lili Empty Re: Lili Dim 18 Mai - 3:48



Petit Martien
Petit Martien
thanks esiao ans shen I'll made a V2 of that c:

5Lili Empty Re: Lili Sam 24 Mai - 20:56



Petit Martien
Petit Martien
its a v2 of the skirt Itry change the bg but I cant :c

Lili T9OeUWq

6Lili Empty Re: Lili Lun 26 Mai - 11:06



I think the skin on the face is too bright, and the hairs in the background are too angulars
It looks great anyway, good job !
(sorry for my bad english :P)

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